Program Overview
With mortality rates in the United States on the rise and severe morbidity and near-miss mortality rates up 75% over the last 14 years, it is crucial that clinicians obtain the knowledge needed to contribute to optimal patient outcomes. High-risk and critically ill pregnant patients are encountered at every level of care, including the emergency department, and intensive care and medical/surgical units. AWHONN’s Critical Care Obstetrics Education (CCOE) library will prepare clinicians to identify high-risk and critically ill patients who need treatment, stabilization, or transfer to a higher level of care. This education will meet the needs of all staff in all settings.
Program Features
- Knowledge checks incorporated to assist in knowledge retention
- Online, narrated courses on the AWHONN learning management system
- Posttests to confirm knowledge retention
- Updated PPH Risk Assessment Table Version 1.3 and PPH Stages Algorithm Version 1.3
Nursing Contact Hours Available
11.25 total nursing contact hours through May 31, 2025. All courses can be purchased at the AWHONN Store.
For more information on the Critical Care Obstetrics Education (CCOE) program, you can view the 2023 Education Town Hall recording for an in-depth overview.
Bundle for Success
We’ve taken our courses and combined them into essential learning bundles – making it easy and convenient while ensuring you get the resources you need.
Critical Care Obstetrics Education (CCOE) Eight-Course Bundle
Purchase all 8 courses with the CCOE Eight Course Bundle
$200 for members/$215 for e-members/$250 for non-members
11.25 total nursing contact hours through May 31, 2025
CCOE Four-Course Bundle A
Critical Care Obstetrics Four Course Program: Hemodynamic, Sepsis, HTN, PPH. Access the following four courses in this package:
- Hemodynamic Function and Assessment
- Maternal Sepsis
- Preeclampsia and Severe Hypertension (HTN)
- Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH)
$100 for members/$110 for e-members/$125 for non-members
5.5 total nursing contact hours through May 31, 2025
CCOE Perinatal Safety Standards Bundle
Access the Postpartum Hemorrhage Course and the Preeclampsia and Severe Hypertension Course
$49 for members/$59 for e-members/$69 for non-members
2.75 total nursing contact hours through May 31, 2025
CCOE Four-Course Bundle B
Critical Care Obstetrics Four Course Program: DIC, DKA, VTE, Cardiac. Access the following four courses in this package:
- Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)
- Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)
- Venous Thromboembolism in Pregnancy (VTE)
- Cardiac Disease and Pregnancy
$100 for members/$110 for e-members/$125 for non-members
5.75 total nursing contact hours through May 31, 2025
Hemodynamic Function and Assessment
1.5 nursing contact hours through May 31, 2025
Understanding how the physiologic changes in pregnancy affect the noninvasive assessments of a pregnant patients is important when caring for pregnant people. At the completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
- Identify the physiologic changes during pregnancy for the cardiovascular, respiratory, and hemodynamic systems.
- Recognize assessment parameters that indicate potential compromise in the pregnant person.
- Provide the appropriate interventions based on assessment findings for the pregnant person.
This foundational course provides critical clinical information necessary for understanding the physiologic changes that affect pregnant patients.
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)
1.25 nursing contact hours through May 31, 2025
DIC is one of the leading causes of severe maternal morbidity (SMM) among hospitalizations for childbirth. DIC occurs secondary to another obstetric or medical condition. Knowing which obstetric or medical conditions are associated with DIC and the signs and symptoms of DIC can assist in improving maternal outcomes.
At the completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
- Summarize the pathophysiology of DIC.
- List at least three predisposing conditions for DIC in pregnancy.
- Prioritize interventions when pregnancy is complicated by DIC.
AWHONN recommends that you take the Hemodynamic Function and Assessment course as a foundation for this course.
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)
1.0 nursing contact hour through May 31, 2025
Pregnancy can complicate diabetes and increase the risk of DKA, which is a rare complication but a medical emergency. Understanding how the normal adaptations of pregnancy affect diabetes and events that may precipitate DKA can help prepare clinicians to manage DKA.
At the completion of this course, the learner will be able to:
- Identify incidence and causes of DKA.
- Review pathophysiology of DKA.
- Review lab values and other objective assessment data used to identify DKA.
- Summarize treatment of DKA.
- Review prevention of recurrence.
AWHONN recommends that you take the Hemodynamic Function and Assessment course as a foundation for this course.
Maternal Sepsis
1.25 nursing contact hours through May 31, 2025
Sepsis is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality. Identifying obstetric patients with sepsis and providing timely treatment can assist in reducing maternal morbidity and mortality. At the completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
- Discuss the definition and pathophysiology of maternal sepsis
- Identify key risk factors for maternal sepsis
- Recognize signs and symptoms of sepsis respective of physiological changes in pregnancy.
- Integrate key management strategies for maternal sepsis based on evidence-based guidelines
AWHONN recommends that you take the Hemodynamic Function and Assessment course as a foundation for this course.
Preeclampsia and Severe Hypertension (HTN)
1.5 nursing contact hours through May 31, 2025
This course provides critical knowledge on recognizing and responding to patients experiencing severe hypertension in pregnancy and postpartum. The course also addresses the identification and management of preeclampsia with and without severe features.
At the completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
- Define hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
- Summarize the most common maternal complications of preeclampsia.
- Outline evidence-based management for pregnant people with severe hypertension.
- Apply concepts of nursing assessment and interventions to the plan of care in a case scenario.
AWHONN recommends that you take the Hemodynamic Function and Assessment course as a foundation for this course.
Venous Thromboembolism in Pregnancy (VTE)
1.25 nursing contact hours through May 31, 2025
This course identifies physiologic changes that may predispose pregnant people to thromboembolic disorders and provides critical knowledge on recognizing and responding to pregnant people experiencing a thromboembolic event.
At the completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
- Understand the mechanisms and pathogenesis of maternal venous thromboembolism.
- Identify the signs and symptoms of thromboembolic events during pregnancy and postpartum.
- Outline the pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments for patients with thromboembolic disorders in pregnancy and postpartum.
AWHONN recommends that you take the Hemodynamic Function and Assessment course as a foundation for this course.
Cardiac Disease and Pregnancy
2.25 nursing contact hours through May 31, 2025
This course provides critical knowledge on recognizing and responding to people with cardiac disease during pregnancy. The course also addresses the identification and management of classifications of cardiac diseases.
At the completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
- Review normal hemodynamic changes in pregnancy and the effect on pregnant people with heart disease.
- Utilize a pregnancy risk prediction tool to identify pregnant people at highest risk for long-term cardiovascular events.
- Review antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum management protocols for pregnant and postpartum people with cardiac disease.
- Apply the concepts of nursing assessment and interventions to the plan of care in a case scenario format.
AWHONN recommends that you take the Hemodynamic Function and Assessment course as a foundation for this course.
Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH)
1.25 nursing contact hours through May 31, 2025
This course identifies physiologic changes that increase the risk for pregnant people to have a postpartum hemorrhage and provides critical knowledge on recognizing and responding to patients experiencing a hemorrhagic event.
At the completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
- Identify risk factors for obstetric hemorrhage through risk screening assessments.
- Prioritize the appropriate steps in the management of obstetric hemorrhage, including administration of uterotonics, surgical intervention, blood product transfusions, and post-event care.
- Explain the importance of readiness, recognition, response, and respectful care in preparation for an obstetrical hemorrhage.
AWHONN recommends that you take the Hemodynamic Function and Assessment course as a foundation for this course.
Tools included in this course are*:
- PPH Risk Assessment v3
- PPH Staging Algorithm v3
Note: One seat minimum to gain access to the newly updated tools.
Group Purchase:
For group purchases and volume discount pricing, please contact
Additional Questions?
Sales inquiry (for price information or a group quote):
Permissions inquiry (to-reuse our copyrighted material):
Online Learning Center questions (for admin access or to enroll learners):
Accreditation Statement
Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Accredited status does not imply endorsement by AWHONN or the American Nurses Credentialing Center of any commercial products displayed or discussed in conjunction with an educational activity.
AWHONN is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #CEP580.
CCOE consists of 8 courses related to the care of critically ill perinatal people. Nursing contact hours can be earned for each course. The online courses are designed to provide clinicians with theoretical knowledge needed to provide care to high-risk and critically ill obstetric patients. The program is targeted toward clinicians including graduate and experienced nurses, who work in perinatal nursing, emergency department, and intensive care and medical/surgical units.
CCOE can be purchased in the AWHONN Learning Center. Each course is fully narrated. Participants may begin a course and come back to finish the course at a later time within a year or until the nursing contact hours expire, whichever comes first.
The nursing contact hour expiration for the most current version of CCOE is May 31, 2025.
Please note:
AWHONN cannot extend nursing contact hours or access for previous versions of CCOE. On the date the nursing contact hours expire, AWHONN removes access to the content, as it is out of date.
Please contact AWHONN’s Director of Client Relations and Product Sales, Mitty Songer, at or 304-550-3984 for more information.
The Hemodynamic Function and Assessment course covers the physiologic adaptations of pregnancy, core concepts in the care of the pregnant people. These physiologic changes affect assessment parameters of hemodynamics and oxygen transport. Understanding these core concepts will assist you when assessing a critically ill pregnant patient.
All courses were released June 2023.
Feedback for CCOE can be submitted to
Please include the title of course for which you are providing feedback.
Yes. Preeclampsia and Severe Hypertension (HTN) and Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) both contain the education required by The Joint Commission. In addition to the education, the PPH course contains resources such as the updated PPH Risk Assessment Table Version 1.3, PPH Stages Algorithm Version 1.3, and a debriefing tool.
Yes, both are updated to new 2023 PPH Risk Assessment Table Version 1.3 and PPH Stages Algorithm Version 1.3. Users can access the new versions by purchasing seats of the Perinatal Safety Bundle 2 course Bundle. These tools are also included in the full CCOE 8 course bundle and the CCOE 4 course Bundle A as well as the AWHONN OPS Program.