Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses


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Research Awards2024-10-13T19:49:05+00:00

AWHONN’s commitment to nursing research and scholarship is reflected in our 31-year history of funding nursing research and promoting evidence-based nursing care.  Our program is designed primarily for researchers whose efforts are on the beginning stages of a program of research.  Awards are granted to researchers whose proposals investigate variables relevant to 2024-2028 Research Priorities that were sent for Public Comment in October 2023.

Novice researchers and graduate students are encouraged to submit proposals. The call for awards will open on November 1, 2024 and will close on December 6, 2024 at 8 pm eastern . Studies that are clinically focused and outcome based are a priority. Projects that focus on the nurse’s role in delivering cost-effective care in these subspecialties are encouraged and will also be considered. Please review the proposal submission guidelines and 2019-2024 Research Priorities for more information, and refer back to these pages as they will be updated with the 2024-2028 Priorities.

Studies that are clinically focused and outcome based are a priority.  Projects that focus on the nurse’s role in delivering cost-effective care in these subspecialties are encouraged and will also be considered.

Corporate funders and charitable contributions to Every Woman, Every Baby from AWHONN members have totaled more than $760,000, distributed to our researchers.  We are grateful to those who support AWHONN’s research priorities and recognize the value of expanding nursing research.

AWHONN grant recipients have excelled in their careers and have many accomplishments such as becoming deans and professors, Fulbright Scholars, Chief Nurse Executives, Advanced Practice Nurses, and renowned authors. The results from recipients’ research are shared at the AWHONN’s annual convention, and publication in the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing (JOGNN) or Nursing for Women’s Health (NWH) is encouraged.

AWHONN Research Award Recipients

Research Priorities and Researcher Expectations

Grants Awarded to AWHONN

Research FAQs

Q. How are grant recipients selected?2022-11-02T23:04:06+00:00

A. Each grant proposal that meets submission criteria is reviewed by at least 3 research experts after the due date. They are members of the Research Advisory Panel who then determine the final grant recipients after the final IRB due date (April 7, 2023).

Q. Why does IRB need to be final before grant awards are finalized?2020-02-03T01:54:06+00:00

A. AWHONN is responsible for ensuring that the selected recipients will carry out the research proposal as outlined in the application.

Q. Does the IRB application need to be approved or exempt by the proposal submission due date (April 7, 2024)?2023-11-28T21:54:42+00:00

A. No. An email or letter from the IRB committee must be submitted with your application that states your IRB application has been submitted for approval or exemption by April 7, 2024.

Q. Does AWHONN consider grant applications for projects already in progress?2020-02-03T01:53:00+00:00

A. Yes. Research studies already begun are considered, unless they are federally funded. It must be clearly stated in the budget and abstract/narrative that the proposal submitted is in progress.

Q. Does AWHONN allow grant funds to be used for indirect costs, tuition, computer hardware/printers, or attending the annual convention?2020-02-03T01:52:29+00:00

A. No. AWHONN does not cover the above items. However, electronic devices and computer software necessary to carry out the proposed research will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The Principal Investigator must clearly demonstrate the need and usage of such items for the research project. Additionally, AWHONN will not be responsible for costs associated with electronic device or computer software updates or upgrades.

Q. Do I have to list other sources of funding for the proposal I am submitting?2020-02-03T01:52:05+00:00

A. Yes. In the budget, please list your requested budget from AWHONN and your requested funds from all other sources (this includes if you already have funding for your proposal).

Q. Why is salary support listed on the budget sheet?2020-02-03T01:51:24+00:00

A. The salary is meant to support a research or graduate assistant or other support staff. No Principal or Sub-Investigators may use the grant funds for salary.

Q. I previously received an AWHONN Research Grant. Can I apply for another research grant?2020-02-03T01:50:59+00:00

A. If previously awarded by AWHONN, there must be a 5 year period before receiving grant funds again.

Q. What makes an AWHONN member ineligible for applying for a research grant?2020-02-03T01:50:29+00:00

A. Research grants are open to all student and full members. E-Members are ineligible to apply.

Q. Are the AWHONN grants available to international researchers?2020-02-03T01:49:57+00:00

A. No, the AWHONN grants are only available to AWHONN members who are living and conducting their research within the United States.

Q. How can I submit my application and required documents?2023-11-28T22:08:15+00:00

A. Applicants must complete the 2024 Research Grant Application using the online form. It is advised and highly encouraged that applicants gather their documents first then begin the online application. Refer to the Proposal Submission Guidelines within the application on what is required. The deadline to submit is February 23, 2024.

Applicants are to submit one application, with the entirety of it in one PDF file. Applicants will receive an auto-reply email upon submission. Incomplete entries are not saved and applications will not be accepted by mail, fax or email.

Q. Who can apply for an AWHONN research grant?2020-02-03T01:48:43+00:00

A. Individual student or full AWHONN members can apply for a research grant (we do not award to groups or institutions). The Principal Investigator’s membership must be current at the time of proposal submission and funding selection. If awarded, the PI’s membership must remain current through the funding period.

Past Recipient Testimonials
Past AWHONN Research Recipients


Email –  Mark Arucan
Phone: (202) 261-2402

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