Welcome to Section/Chapter Services! Volunteerism at the State and Local Level

AWHONN has 51 Sections representing each of the States and the Armed Forces.  Each Section is overseen by an elected Section Chair and Section Secretary Treasurer and supported by Section and Chapter appointed leaders who assist in the running of the Section at the state and local level.

The functions of a Section include:

  • Support implementation of AWHONN’s strategic plan;
  • Perform core program and fiscal functions as defined by the Board of Directors;
  • Monitor, report on, and participate in appropriate legislative and regulatory activity at the state level or the national level
  • Develop plans for providing continuing education based on member needs and the AWHONN strategic plan;
  • Assist Chapters in the Section perform core functions by supporting and facilitating the program and membership development activities of the Chapter;
  • Provide direction, guidance, and support in the development of new Chapters;
  • Provide opportunities for leadership development and plan for leadership succession; and
  • Ensure compliance with AWHONN requirements and policies.

Chapters may be established according to geographic area. Chapters may be formed by the Section Coordinating Team or upon written request of 10 voting members of the Section. Each Chapter shall function under the jurisdiction of the Section which established it.

The functions of a Chapter include:

  • Support implementation of AWHONN’s strategic plan;
  • Perform core program and fiscal functions as defined by the Board of Directors;
  • Be responsible for leadership development and succession planning;
  • Develop annual operating budgets and submit them to the Section; and
  • Ensure compliance with AWHONN requirements and policies.

If you are interested in forming a Chapter, reach out to the Section elected leaders in your State since Chapters function under the jurisdiction of the Section which established it. AWHONN’s Bylaws provide a more in-depth overview of the structure and governance of Sections and Chapters.

Being a part of the AWHONN family allows you access to build, contribute, and actively participate in meetings, conferences, and appointments for chapters/sections or national committees.

To learn more about the Sections or Chapters, please contact at Nick Stepaniak, Senior Manager, Section & Chapter Development, at nstepaniak@awhonn.org.

You can access Section and Chapter Leadership contact information for your State by clicking on the links below.

AWHONN Sections